Figure 29

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Fig. 29: Two profiles showing the integration of the wall remains B2 in the surrounding sediment deposits. The profile labeled B1.S1 (right) is identical to the one from Fig. 10 (structure B1).
Keys: 1. Silt, yellow, heterogeneous: disturbed accumulation (actual terracing work); 2. Grass surface with roots; 3. Organic humus, silty, brown, homogeneous, fine rootlets: naturally grown deposit; 4. Silt, yellow, strongly hardened, with inclusions of sparsely distributed gravel, charcoal and orange oxidized spots: partly resulting of human activities;
4a. Stone wall with overlying layer of silt, clayey, yellow-orange, with inclusions of ashes; 4b. Thicker layer of silt, clayey, yellow-grayish, with inclusions of fragmented charcoal and ashes. Overlying layer of silt with ashes, gray; 5. Stone layer (pavement ?), at same level as summit of slab roof covering B1; 6. Silt, brown-yellow, hardened: probably accumulated during building of B1, thus with anthropogene character; 7. Silt, yellow-gray, with inclusions of orange oxidized spots; 8. Silt, clayey, yellow.
Drawing by R. Blumer, 1999.

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Copyright 2000 by Blumer R. and Vial F. 
Copyright 1999 by SLFA Zürich, Switzerland.
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Last updated: 29-05-2001.