6. Preliminary Report

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The discoveries led to a short report (RNR-RC / Helvetas Bhutan 1999), written by W. Roder and F. Baumgartner, accompanied by numerous illustrations of the finds. For the sake of simplicity, we quote the first page of this report which is giving insight in further steps taken by RNR-RC:

“When excavating the foundations for the first buildings for the new RNR-Research Center Jakar an unusual structure was found at 1.5 m below the surface. The dome like structure and the location below ground suggested that this structure might have some historical value. If is quite possible that it may have been build in the 17th century. This document provides:

  1. a brief summary on the structures found largely based on photos or diagrams;

  2. an attempt to place these structures within the local and national history of Bhutan.

With the assumption that the structure may be of historical importance the following steps were taken:

The finding was reported to the Special Commission for Cultural Affairs and the Dasho Dzongda of Jakar.

Excavation was discontinued after assessing the depth cf the structure near the administration building.

The location for the buildings was shifted to allow for the preservation of the structure.

AIl possible archeological sites were protected by covering with soil, planks, or by fencing.

Preliminary investigations were conducted to document local believes and understanding of the historical significance of the structures.

Helvetas was requested to provide technical expertise in archeology to recommend further steps to be taken.

A request was made to Helvetas/SDC to cover additional cost arising due to the findings.”

Although these accidental discoveries were impeding the progress of the building actions, we saw that a few culturally and historically interested people were able to handle cleverly in the interest of the past heritage.

Fortunately, W. Roder transmitted us the report quoted above during our first meeting in Zurich, on March 15th 1999, two weeks before our start for Bhutan. During this event, we also got plenty of contextual information. This enabled us to prepare the logistics and to elaborate a basic strategy for the campaign.

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Copyright 2000 by Blumer R. and Vial F. 
Copyright 1999 by SLFA Zürich, Switzerland.
For problems or questions regarding this web contact rblumer@vtx.ch.
Last updated: 29-05-2001.